Politecnico di Torino – Nexa Center for Internet & Society
Who are we?
The Nexa Center for Internet & Society is a research and training center of the Department of Control and Computer Engineering at Politecnico di Torino. It has significant experience in open content, open data, open education, and ICT applied to societal issues. The Nexa Center arose from the activities of an informal interdisciplinary group – with expertise in technology, law, and economics – that was formed in Torino in 2003 and has conceived, designed, and implemented a number of initiatives: Creative Commons Italia (2003-present), CyberLaw Torino (2004), Harvard Internet Law Program Torino (2005), SeLiLi (2006-2013), COMMUNIA (2007-2011), Neubot (2008-present), and LAPSI (2010-2012).
The Nexa Center, along with international partners, has taken part in interdisciplinary research projects and initiatives. From October 2014 to October 2016, it was coordinator of the Global Network of Internet & Society Research Centers (NoC). Moreover, the Nexa Center holds a partnership agreement with the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University (2011). In 2013 the Nexa Center became part of the Global Network Initiative (GNI), a multi-stakeholder international group devoted to protecting and advancing freedom of expression and privacy in the ICT sector.
On the basis of such experiences, the Nexa Center aims to become a point of reference for Internet research in Europe (and beyond), thus interacting with the European Commission, regulators, local and national governments, as well as with businesses and other institutions.
Why we are Participating in the Project
The StrategyHack project represents an opportunity for the Nexa Center for Internet & Society, thereby bringing together two main areas of intervention strictly related to its mission: the promotion and dissemination of the Open paradigm (Access, Science, Education) and the fostering of awareness regarding the “Digital” and its multiple uses in the educational field.
Our Role in the Project
Nexa Center covers the following role within the StrategyHack project:
- Project coordinator, involved in operational and administrative management of all the project’s activities;
- Leader of the preparation of the StrategyHack Knowledge Sharing Platform. The platform collects all the contents developed by teachers during the three intensive training events as well as during their online work with a “connective” approach;
- Contributor to the creation of the Curriculum for eLearning/OER/MOOC production intensive course, StrategyHack Online Course, and StrategyHack Toolbox.
Our Team

Juan Carlos De Martin
Juan Carlos De Martin is full professor of the Polytechnic of Turin (Italy) where he teaches computer science and digital culture and where, since March 2018, he serves as Rector’s Delegate for Culture and Communication.

Giacomo Conti
Giacomo Conti graduated in Law in Turin in 2018. Moved by a great passion regarding information technology since he was little, he has been working at the NEXA Center for two years. His primary field regards liability in the use of software and privacy problems arising from new technologies.

Anita Botta
Anita Botta holds a Master Degree in Communication and Media Cultures in 2019 at the University of Turin. In Nexa she is in charge of communication and press office. More specifically, Anita’s main responsibilities consist in keeping contact with media and following Nexa’s Image.

Selina Fenoglietto
Selina Fenoglietto joined the Nexa Center for Internet & Society in May 2009 as administrative assistant. She holds a Bachelor degree in Economics from the University of Torino. From December 2010, she is the administrative manager of the Center.